i might find your existence interesting, in some sort of fundamental sense, the full-being that is the human of you. friend, i am less important as i try to convey with this web blog, but i am another fraction of the evolution, taking up the same space over this already over-populated planet. and therefor my mind speaks my own visuals. i am thankful for those who take it with them permanently, taking my visual adaptation of their ideas, all the way through death. having to commit to live with my art. taking an afterlife of its own, to your personal. and in ultimate, i am thankful.. i have indifferent taste, but so do we all. i took life by its throat and shackled it into little fragments, picked it up, re-assembled what is normal, capsized reality, and pass it on to the next.
Born off a mothers womb & raised by 2 parents in a suburbian discharge of kota kinabalu, sabah, borneo. Having a painter as a father, i saw the world rotate less-violent, i saw people speak in bubbles and souvenired the difference in life. and so i draw to stay afloat in a different realm.
give a man a fish he will eat for days, give me a pingpong bat i will ditch that fish and starve. table tennis is my other skateboard.
and so, im a traveling tattooer, a proud father of a boy, a skateboarder, and rants in a hardcore punk quartet 'Mouthful of air'.
Here's a finger to the manner, the disgusting pus of what society is made of.